
Protecting those Heirloom Christmas Ornaments

The History and Value of Heirloom Christmas Ornaments

The Christmas season is when many people take the time to think about their loved ones from the past that have passed away. And why is the Christmas season so popular for this? We miss loved ones during these holidays, but what makes most people think about them are those heirloom Christmas ornaments that they may have that belonged to their family members.

Passing down heirloom Christmas ornaments is not something new. You will find that this is something that has been done for generations. Those special ornaments are often passed down from generation to generation. And in order for these Christmas ornaments to be passed down from generation to generation, then you need to make sure that you are doing whatever you can to protect these ornaments from year to year.

How can you ensure that these special ornaments are protected We have a few tips that can help you in protecting these ornaments from year to year.

Protecting Heirloom Christmas Ornaments: Tips and Tricks

1. Get ornament holders. Do not trust your ornaments to be stored safely in a cardboard box. You will want to go with something that is plastic so that there is a stronger outer shell protecting these special ornaments.

2. Wrap these ornaments in packing paper to help protect this.

3. Use bubble wrap on top of the packing paper for even more protection.

4. Never pack these ornaments with items that are heavy. Even if these heavy items are on the bottom. You never know what could happen, so it is always best to keep these special ornaments on their own in their own tote box.

5. If you must layer these ornaments in the tote boxes that are holding these, then be sure that you put a layer of padding in between. You could use a sheet of bubble wrap or even some old towels that you are no longer using to ensure these ornaments are safe.

6. Store the entire tote box in a place in which nothing will fall on this, that water will not penetrate and that you do not have to worry about intense heat conditions.

While it may seem like a lot of work, you are going to find that when you put in the extra time to ensure that these ornaments are put up safely, that is the only way you are going to have these to pass onto the next generation.